SPORTS TURF management

Sports turf specialists work in sports turf based businesses such as golf courses, sporting grounds, race courses, local government, turf farms and maintenance contractors.

Turf specialists establish and maintain recreational turf, sports playing surfaces and facilities. You will learn about pest and disease control, plant identification, irrigation, drainage and other aspects of greens and grounds management.

Useful Links

Victorian Golf Course Superintendents Assoc.

Qualifications and occupations

Bolding indicates a qualification appears on the Victorian Funded Course List, meaning subsidies are available for eligible students. Refer to the latest Funded Course List for more information.

Greenkeeper, Groundsperson, Sports Turf Management Tradesperson, Local Government Parks and Recreation Worker

Greenkeeper, Groundsperson, Sports Turf Management Tradesperson, Local Government Parks and Recreation Worker.

Sports Turf Management Supervisor, Track Maintainer, Head Greenkeeper

Curators, Golf Course Superintendents, Sports Turf Managers, Senior Bowling Greenkeepers, Race Track Managers and Turf Consultants.