Industry Skills Forums

In late April 2012 Primary Skills Victoria hosted a series of sectorally based industry skills forums designed to connect and establish industry training partnerships and review the current VET landscape from a grass-roots perspective.

The forums were hosted by an actively engaged training organisation and included special presentations on a number of topics including:

  • Industry skills partnerships within the changing Victorian VET system.
  • National VET provision and business opportunities.
  • Delivery statstics and trends
  • 2011 Industry Skills Survey results on skills needs and training market responses
  • A tour of the host’s facilities
  • Horticulture (Swinburne TAFE) and Animal Care & Management (Box HIll TAFE).

PSV would like to thank all of the peak industry and RTO representatives who participated in the forums sharing and collaborating with valuable insights and advice.

Resources from the forums are available for public view via the links below.  If you have any difficulty in accessing the online material, please do not hesitate to contact the PSV office for assistance.

At a recent COAG meeting significant measures were agreed to that will transform the VET system across the country. The introduction of income contingent student loans for vocational qualifications at diploma level and above as well as independent validation of training models are a part of what was announced. The Skills for All Australians policy documents can be accessed from the federal DEEWR website and may provide some clarification of government’s future direction for skills training.

2011 Industry Forum Presentations also available for view

Horticulture Presentationicon_pdf
Agriculture Presentationicon_pdf
Animal Care & Management Presentationicon_pdf
Conservation & Land Management Presentationicon_pdf
Turf Grass Association of Australia (TGAA) Presentationicon_pdf