Market Effectiveness Report

Market Effectiveness Report

In the recent past, Primary Skills Victoria has been asked to gather specific advice on current and future industry training and skills needs and provide feedback to the Victorian Government through their appointed consultants.

Reporting has traditionally focused on the following key requests:

Market Effectiveness

  • Report on examples of training market success and failure

Key Change Drivers

  • Major developments in key change drivers shaping industry which have arisen or significantly intensified over the last 12 months.
  • Responses being made by businesses and industry organisations to these developments.
  • Skills implications of these developments and responses, including any emerging skill requirements and critical skill shortages.
  • Training demand and delivery consequences of addressing these skills needs.

Critical skills shortages

  • ITAB and industry response to shortages reported in the 2011 Industry Skill Needs Report

Occupations in demand

  • Advice on occupations expected to experience critical skills shortages in 2012 

List of individuals consulted

  • A listing of the people and sources who provided advice for the analysis is appended to the document. 


PSV consults with industry representatives and compiles a report for submission to the consultants appointed by Skills Victoria

Recent PSV reports are available for download in PDF format here:

PSV 2012 Market Effectiveness Report

PSV 2010 Industry Skill Needs Report

PSV 2011 Industry Skill Needs Report