About FPSV

Food & Primary Skills Victoria (FPSV) provides vocational skills and training advice, products and services for Victorian primary industry sectors including:

  • food processing
  • meat processing
  • agriculture
  • horticulture (amenity, landscaping and conservation & land management)
  • seafood/aquaculture
  • racing (horse and greyhound)
  • animal care & management

FPSV is a not-for-profit association, incorporated in Victoria and formed in May 2015 by the amalgamation of the Victorian Food Industry Training Board (VFITB) and Primary Skills Victoria (PSV).

As part of the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) industry engagement strategy, FPSV is contracted to provide executive support services, including management of the Primary Industry Advisory Group.

Our Vision

The quality and competitiveness of Victoria’s primary industries will be driven by responsive skills development and adaptive capability of its workforce and its enterprises.

Employment in primary industries will be a first and long term career choice for young and mature Victorians. 

Our Aims

FPSV aims to improve the accessibility of vocational training and to promote the benefits to employers and students alike. It works closely with businesses, industry bodies, unions, training providers, students and state government departments, as well as state and national Training Provider Networks.

Our Values

We value:

  • Developing effective communication strategies with our stakeholders
  • Responding to client needs
  • Keeping things simple
  • Building partnerships
  • Promoting informed decision-making on skills and workforce development within our industries

Our Role

We will:

  • Work with our members and stakeholders to produce quality skills and training outcomes
  • Provide accurate and timely advice about VET products and services
  • Build awareness and capability of enterprises to determine their own skill needs, understand and navigate the VET system, and to access high quality training providers
  • Promote career choices within primary industries
  • Ensure that skill needs across primary industries inform Victorian government VET responses