Victorian Training awards

On 25 August 2020, Gayle Tierney, Minister for Training and Skills, Minister for Training and Skills and Minister for Higher Education, announced the finalists for the 2020 Victorian Training Awards. You can view the list of award categories and finalists here.

Now in their 66th year, the prestigious Victorian Training Awards foster connections and collaboration, bringing together students, teachers, training providers, employers and industry representatives, sharing in a high-quality training system that meets the needs of all Victorians.

This year’s gala event will be replaced by a ”Virtual Events Series’ which will be hosted on the Victorian Training Awards’ Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter channels.  As part of the virtual format, a series of videos highlighting each of the finalists and their stories will be shared on these social media channels and other Victorian government channels from late October to mid-November.

FPSV would like to congratulate finalists representing our sectors and wish them success at the 2020 awards.