FPSV >Careers >Food Manufacturing

The Food Manufacturing industry covers a wide range of subsectors. Food manufacturing and processing includes the manufacture of foods and beverages for human consumption, as well as food for non-human consumption, for example livestock and pets.

Jobs vary according to specific products categories, however processing jobs to certificate III level all tend to involve production skills: preparing ingredients for processing, setting up and/or operating machinery and equipment to carry out various processes, monitoring and testing product, packing and storing product and applying and quality assurance and food safety requirements.

More advanced positions may include safety auditing, planning and implementing new processes, developing and implementing process control,  WHS and food safety programs, analysing food properties, or leading a team or operation.

In Australia, strict regulation applies to all stages of manufacturing, processing, storage, transport, and delivery of food for human consumption. Training for correct and safe handling of food product is vital.

In Victoria, many courses are available, from a basic Food Handling Certificate through to apprenticeships, traineeships and diplomas in food science and manufacture.

The Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical manufacturing industry covers the manufacturing and wholesaling of human medicines, complementary medicines and veterinary pharmaceuticals and medicines.

Download career information sheets for all Food Manufacturing and Processing courses currently funded in Victoria.

Click on the links below to find out more about qualifications and jobs.